Research PMR Services

Consumer behaviour in the e-commerce market

  • Industry

    E-commerce market

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Publishing company

Research Project - retail and FMCG

Client's need

For the purposes of the report Online retail market in Poland. E-commerce market analysis and development forecasts PMR conducted a study into consumer behaviour in the e-commerce market. The goal was to analyse motivation behind online shopping, to identify the most popular product categories, as well as to assess the transparency and practicality of auction platforms and online retailers.

Our deliverables

We completed 1000 CATI interviews on a random sample of adult residents of Poland, who declared having purchased a product online. The data has been compiled into a report, which you can find at: Online retail market in Poland. 

Value for the client

The study allowed us to identify the following:

  • popularity of particular product categories purchased online
  • motivation behind online shopping
  • average level of spending on e-shopping
  • popularity of price comparison websites and auction platforms
  • customers' preferences regarding the form of payment and shipment collection
  • assessment of practicality and functionality of online retailers and solutions best suited to the client's needs.

Five categories of products purchased online were extensively analysed:
  • food products (food, beverages)
  • consumer electronics, household appliances, multimedia equipment
  • cosmetics and domestic detergents
  • clothing and footwear
  • furniture and decorative items, tools, renovation and construction materials.

The study allowed for a comparative analysis of online shopping and traditional shopping in terms of key criteria, such as price, offer and product availability. Back to List of Projects - Research PMR