Research PMR - Services

Creative workshops with clients & employees of a large internet service provider

  • Industry


  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Service provider

  • Delivery time

    3 weeks

Research Project - IT and telecommunications

Client's need

Our client is working closely with an innovation marketing agency on their new positioning strategy. They have chosen several values that they would like to highlight in their services and communication to business customers. PMR has been asked to run a series of creative sessions with employees and business customers of the client in order to find out how these values can be realized. The idea was to specify the direction of change rather than look for ready-to-use solutions.

Our deliverables

We have organized and moderated a series of creative workshops with both employees of different levels and customers of various sizes. First part of each session covered identifying key strengths and weaknesses of their internet service providers along with customers’ unmet needs. Second part was aimed at generating as many as possible ideas on how the values chosen by the client could be better reflected and implemented in client’s approach to their business customers and communication addressed to them.

Value for the client

The sessions provided a 360 degrees overview of the problem thanks to looking from both customers’ and employees’ side. Our client has learnt which values most strongly speak to customers and stakeholders and which of them can be introduced or strengthened in the future in order to differentiate our client’s image from competitive providers. Lots of inspiring ideas have arisen during the sessions giving our client the opportunity to verify, direct and adjust their chosen strategy.

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