Research PMR - Services

Hospital commercialization in Poland: experts debate at PAP

Hospital commercialization in Poland: experts debate at PAP Marcin Rzepka, head of research services at PMR, a Kraków-based research and consulting firm, participated in the debate ‘Financial situation of hospitals: The need to rationalize the entire health care system’ held on 15 May at the headquarters of the Polish Press Agency.

Also participating in the debate were Krzysztof Mach, vice-president of the National Association of Private Hospitals, Jaroslaw Fedorowski, president of the Polish Federation of Hospitals, Urban Kielichowski, a member of the board of Magellan SA, Dariusz Gilewski, an expert on healthcare, and Jerzy Gryglewicz, a health expert from University Łazarski.

During the meeting, Mr. Rzepka presented the findings of the report ‘Financial situation of hospitals in Poland: The need to rationalize the entire health care system’, which was developed by PMR in cooperation with Magellan. The report shows that only 7% of the public hospitals in Poland have stated their readiness for ownership transformation.

Topics discussed during the debate include the reasons for such a situation on the healthcare market in Poland and possible scenarios for speeding the process of commercialization.
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