Research PMR - Services

Social media in Poland – over half of Poles use social networking websites

A survey conducted by Research PMR demonstrates that 54% Poles use social networking websites, the most popular being Facebook .

As many as 54% adult Poles (over 18 years old) say that they use social media, with the highest percentage of social network users, 82%, among respondents aged 18-24, followed by 47% in the age group 35-64 and by the definitely lowest rate of 30% among respondents aged over 65.

Poles mainly use Facebook (40%) and (37%). As regards the age structure, the percentage of users is rather stable while the percentage of Facebook users is changing. Respondents aged 18-24 report using such social networking services as: Facebook (74%), (40%) and Twitter (2%) whereas those in the age group 25-34 use Facebook (58%), (45%) and Twitter (4%). Every fifth Pole aged over 65 has a Facebook account.

Why do Poles use social networks?

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