Financial services and banking
The sector is characterised by intense competition at the product and service levels, as well as a high degree of innovation as financial services can be provided through remote channels. Given the stiff competition and heavily saturated market, expert support in the form of specialist research findings is often invaluable. For firms with global reach, research into client needs in different countries is the best tool allowing them to tailor their service portfolios to meet the specific needs of local markets.
The PMR Research team have completed a range of research assignments supporting clients from the banking and financial services sector. Our experience covers research into consumer behaviour, satisfaction of client needs and market analysis designed to identify drivers/inhibitors of market growth and describe major players.
The most common types of research in the financial services and banking sector:
- customer satisfaction and loyalty studies,
- consumer behaviour research (e.g. Usage and Attitude),
- customer service quality analysis (e.g. mystery shopping),
- target group research,
- corporate image research,
- B2B research.