Social opinion research
Decisions of vital importance to various sections of society need to be properly informed. Opinion polls are one of the sources of such information.
- What opinions do the inhabitants of a town/region/country hold on a salient issue?
- What are the political preferences of the inhabitants of a town/region/country?
- What events/developments are seen by the inhabitants of a town/region/country as the most important?
Opinion polls tend to focus on areas of vital importance to society, related to the development of local communities and various social initiatives. Surveys of public opinion show politicians and NGO activists what people think of a given issue and what part of the population share that opinion. Opinion polls are a source of such information.
Our offering
The scope of an opinion poll – both thematic and geographical – depends on the commissioning entity’s needs. It may be nationwide or limited to a single town or county. Opinion polls may cover the whole adult population of a given area or a narrowly defined group for whom a given issue is relevant. Opinion polls include surveys of political preferences. The end product of an opinion poll is a report based on analysis of research results representative of a given population. The results are collated into tables and charts, along with their interpretation. Where an opinion poll relates to a social initiative, the report may also include recommendations.
How do we deliver
Relying on quantitative opinion polling methods – interviews and questionnaires - the PMR Research team carries out research among a properly selected, representative sample whose structure reflects the structure of the population defined for the purpose of the project and which is large enough to obtain results within an acceptable error margin of three percentage points.