Copy tests
Marketing campaigns are expensive exercises. To ensure your organisation extracts maximum value from its investment, it is vital that you conduct research and testing before a campaign, and then again afterwards, to measure effectiveness.
- Do customers understand my advertising campaigns?
- Does the advertisement communicate the intended message?
- Does the advertisement stand out from competitors’ advertisements?
- Did my advertising campaign achieve the desired results?
Copy tests and advertisement concept tests can be divided into three main groups of research. The first group consists of tests supporting the development of an advertising strategy. Such tests analyse the selection of advertisement form as well as individual advertising materials used in the advertising campaign. The second group consists of research which assess the relevance and effectiveness of new ideas as well as the way in which they are communicated. And finally the third group is research based on assessment of the effectiveness of executed advertising campaigns based on measures of brand awareness, visibility of the advertisement’s message and resultant changes in brand image.
Our offering
In the case of tests carried out prior to an advertising campaign, the client receives a report presenting an assessment of the concepts tested and also recommended changes that should be taken into account prior to the campaign being launched.
In the case of campaign effectiveness testing, the client receives a report presenting a comparison of indicators of brand awareness and areas covered by the advertisement (e.g. elements of brand image, effect on brand recognition, customer associations with the brand).
How do we deliver
Copy tests usually incorporate a mixture of qualitative techniques applied during the initial stage (e.g. focus groups) and quantitative techniques, which are used later in the project. The PMR Research team prepares a report containing recommendations of further action on the development and modification of the advertising strategy. In the case of campaign effectiveness testing, we carry out quantitative tests, e.g. in the form of CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) or CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) surveys.