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Models of multiple myeloma treatment in Polish health care: a tracking study with haematologists

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    Market Research Agency

Research Project - medical and pharmaceutical market

Client's need

Panel data research is a technique for tracking attitudes and behaviors of target group representatives in a given area. This type of study includes a group of the same respondents who participate in the study repeatedly at designated intervals.
For our client we have once again performed a quantitative panel survey among Polish haematologists on the treatment of multiple myeloma. The aim of the study was to understand the treatment regimens used in Poland for patients with this rare haematological disease and the level of satisfaction with current therapies.

Our deliverables

The PMR team conducted a series of CAWI interviews with hematologists treating patients with multiple myeloma. Doctors were asked to complete a series of patient cards describing specific cases and implemented therapeutic models. Respondents also answered questions about pharmaceuticals that are available in the market and the image of selected pharmaceutical companies, and evaluated their relations with medical representatives.

Value for the client

Our client received information about currently available treatment services for Polish patients with multiple myeloma and has been able to perform a comparative analysis with the results from previous studies. Data on the knowledge and attitudes of doctors towards the marketed medicines will be used to build a sales strategy for the pharmaceutical company that commissioned the study.

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