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Decision makers in micro and small companies – mini focus groups

  • Industry

    Telecom services

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Market Research Agency

  • Delivery time

    3 weeks

Research Project - IT and telecommunications

Client's need

Our client wanted to improve their telecommunications services and to introduce new ones, geared towards business clients. In order to achieve this, the company wanted to get a thorough understanding of the IT environment in which B2B customers work, and also to learn about the needs and expectations of micro and small companies in Poland. 

Our deliverables

During the course of less than 3 weeks, we conducted efficient recruitment of persons responsible for telecommunications solutions in their companies. The task was challenging, because the client required decision-makers who are currently using their services or the competitors’ services.
Recruited individuals were then invited to participate in mini focus groups, where they talked about their current challenges, expectations and ideas for the future. A major part of the discussion was devoted to concept testing of the new services which the client wanted to introduce.

Value for the client

The client received detailed information about the needs and expectations of Polish customers. Furthermore, thanks the possibility of observing the focus groups from behind a one-way mirror, the client gained direct insight into the telecommunications challenges faced by respondents from micro and small companies, and was also able to receive feedback on the tested concepts. Research into the Polish market was the first step of a large international project. Thanks to the opportunity to observe the study, the client now knows how to modify the study for future research.   

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