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Polish attitudes toward climate change. A representative survey.

  • Industry

    Renewable energy sources and ecology

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Market Research Agency

  • Delivery time

    4 weeks

Research Project - other industries

Client's need

An international research agency, which focuses on social projects, commissioned PMR to conduct a quantitative survey in the field of ecology. The survey was part of a much larger international project aimed at understanding each country’s attitudes toward climate change.

Our deliverables

PMR carried out a nationwide, quantitative survey on a representative group on adult Poles (N=400), using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview). In order to ensure that the survey is representative, we payed special attention to the right selection of the sample in terms of region of residence, gender, age and education of the respondents.

Value for the client

The collected data constituted a significant contribution to the international report. Thanks to understanding Poles’ opinions on changes occurring in the world’s climate, resources and funds can now be managed more effectively, and public programmes can be better equipped to fit the expectations of residents of each country. The survey will allow to implement the most effective solutions possible in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

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