Consumer research of the children’s products in the Russian market
Market intelligence industry
Geographical coverage
Client type
Publishing house

Client's need
PMR’s research department completed the first of a planned series of industry publications on the children’s products market in Russia. The analysis was aimed at diagnosing buying habits related to purchasing products for children under the age of 14. The study looked at four product categories: toys, clothes, footwear, cosmetics and food.
Our deliverables
The research was carried out using a CAWI online survey. The sample consisted of 600 adult residents of Russia who have purchased at least one product from the five categories of children’s products.
Presenting selected results based on answers from the parents (or legal guardians), as well as people without children, has allowed us to gain a better understanding of the market in question.
Value for the client
The study allowed us to determine the categories, places of purchase and brands of bestselling children’s products in given product categories. The report contains information on:
- names of shops where consumers most often purchase children’s products
- types and brands of bestselling children’s cosmetics
- factors influencing the choice to buy a children’s product
- level of expenditure on children’s products .