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New product user trial in the Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany, and the United Kingdom

  • Industry


  • Geographical coverage

    Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, UK

  • Client type

    Industrial gases producer

Research Project - industrial production

Client's need

The main purpose of the customer research project was to carry out a user trial to receive feedback about usability and design acceptance for two prototypes of cylinder valve guards, as well as compare them with competitive solutions available on the market. Apart from exploring general usage habits, some detailed product features were evaluated (both the client’s products and competitive cylinders). The project was conducted in the Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Our deliverables

In order to meet the objectives of the project, 115 user trials were conducted in four European countries: the Czech Republic, Sweden, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

The following methodology has been applied:

  • Research method: face-to-face interviews
  • Sample: 115 interviews in total
  • Length of interview: 45-60 min
  • Respondents: final users of gas cylinders, client’s customers and some client’s employees
  • Location: Gas&Gears and customers’ premises
  • Timing: 1 week for fieldwork per country

Value for the client

Over the course of the project we have identified the advantages and disadvantages with regard to usability and design acceptance of the new product prototypes. Based on the gathered information we were able to prepare business recommendations for further development of the final product concept to increase the chances for successful product launch.

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