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Next edition of the study on construction sector in Poland

  • Industry

    Construction sector

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Market research agency

Research Project - construction market

Client's need

For the purposes of the next edition of the report Construction Sector in Poland, PMR conducted a study among the largest companies in the Polish construction market. The main objective of the study was to arrive at a diagnosis of the shape of the Polish construction market, prospects for growth and analyses of specific segments.

Our deliverables

The study was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). 135 interviews were conducted among directors, executives, proprietors and other high-level employees (chiefly those in the marketing and sales departments). The carefully selected sample provided us with valuable and meaningful data on the entire Polish construction sector. Participants were chosen from a list of 200 largest construction companies operating in the Polish market.

Value for the client

The study and the statistical analysis of gathered data allowed us to diagnose:

  • current state of the Polish construction industry
  • prospects for growth of a specific sector
  • current financial and HR state
  • factors facilitating and inhibiting activity in the construction market
  • companies' financial dynamic 
  • companies' forecast financial situation in the coming years
  • assessment of the backlog of orders based on the value of completed projects
  • level of a company's investment in the next year
  • analysis of competition in the construction industry.
Other topics investigated in the study include: proposing changes in public procurement law, the scale of the payment gridlock phenomenon, the practice of predatory pricing, cooperation with subcontractors and the implementation of projects co-financed by the European Union. In this edition of the study, respondents were additionally asked to assess the impact of investment in the framework of the EU budgets. Including data from previous editions, the report allowed us to analyze the changing trends in the construction industry in the last few years. 

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