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Clothing industry - increasing sales by optimizing marketing strategy

  • Industry

    Clothing retail

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Clothing retailer

  • Delivery time

    9 weeks

Research Project - retail and FMCG

Client's need

Our client, an international clothing retailer, recorded lower sales in the Polish market, despite an extensive distribution network. The business objectives of our research and advisory project included: identifying the cause of low sales figures and recommending actions which would lead to their growth. The following key research questions were formulated:

  • Is the client’s business tailored to the Polish market?
  • How can the business become better adapted to the expectations of the Polish consumer, while optimizing the strategy and tactics in the context of competition, market strategy and current activities of other market players?

Our deliverables

In order to answer these questions PMR took the following steps:

  • Diagnosed the target group in the course of telephone surveys on a sample of n=1500 consumers
  • Diagnosed the customers in the course of an online survey on a sample of n=1300 buyers
  • Analyzed  financial reports, websites and press releases of the client’s main competitors
  • Analyzed the client’s internal data: the organization of the points of sale networks, data on sales figures, range of goods, pricing strategy, brand positioning principles in relation to brand positioning and CRM and loyalty cards
  • Analyzed data provided by the client, included in past marketing studies on awareness monitoring and brand image, customer segmentation, pricing studies, studies on customer service quality and media monitoring.
A comprehensive cross-analysis was conducted, taking into account additional segments by gender, age and location.

Value for the client

As a result of our extensive analysis, PMR diagnosed the brand and identified the key sales barriers. Recommendations for sales growth included:

  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Operational marketing.
A series of workshops with international management and the supervisory board lead to the formulation of final, practical recommendations. 

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