Ethnographic interviews concerning cooking
Kitchen appliances
Geographical coverage
Client type
Market research agency
Delivery time
10 weeks

Client's need
Our client's intention was to understand Polish customs concerning preparing meals at home.
Primarily interesting for the client were such issues as:
- How often and on what occasions the Polish people eat at home?
- What kinds of meals are prepared in Polish households?
- What kitchen facilities are used in the cooking process?
- How does an ordinary process of cooking and serving meals look like?
- What factors determine the choice of the dish to be prepared?
- What difficulties can be met during preparing meals at home?
Our deliverables
To fulfill business needs, etnography methodology was applied. Such approach enabled observing respondents in their natural surroundings, how they cook in their own kitchens. This allowed limiting the influence of the interviewer on the respondents, enlarging interviewee’s perspective. PMR recruited people who prepare meals at their homes on regular basis.
Each person in the project:
- was initially surveyed via telephone on the frequency of cooking and the type of meals they prepare
- prepared two meals and recorded films documenting the whole process of cooking, from the moment of taking the ingredients out of the fridge till ready meal is served on the table
- was surveyed with in-depth interview (IDI) on cooking meals at home.
Value for the client
The results provided our client with the information on specific topics and delivered materials documenting the process of meals preparation and cooking. The client received a set of materials concerning each household taking part in the project including:
- the results from the introductive telephone survey
- films documenting the process of preparation of two meals
- the transcription of in-depth interviews.