Children’s vaccinations in Poland – a test of communication materials for doctors (detail aid)
Pharmaceuticals - vaccines
Geographical coverage
Client type
Market research agency
Delivery time
3 weeks

Client's need
The project focused on a group of paediatric patients, specifically children aged under 2. The survey aimed to discover the experience doctors have in the area of the researched illness, and to understand the habits and patterns of recommending and prescribing paediatric vaccinations in Poland. The main goal of the project was to collect the opinions of doctors about new information materials on a new vaccination, prepared with specialists in mind.
Our deliverables
In order to obtain the needed information we carried out a series of in-depth interviews with paediatricians. The main part of the interview was evaluation of an information brochure and resting whether the presented material fulfils its role, and whether it effectively communicates the assumed contents.
Value for the client
The findings allowed the customer to assess whether the prepared material was clear and useful in doctor’s everyday work, as well as in conversations with patients or young patients’ parents. Some elements of the brochure were presented in several alternative versions, and the project’s results helped select the most effective options. We have provided the client with findings containing recommendations for the individual elements of the brochure, i.e. headlines, visuals, straplines and the choice of the preferred version of the material. We have also defined the directions of changes that will allow to refine the details of the individual elements of the information material.