Test of information materials for doctors (detail aid)
Pharmaceuticals - vaccines
Geographical coverage
Client type
Market research agency
Delivery time
3 weeks

Client's need
Based on the results of previous research, the client prepared a draft of an information leaflet for doctors about a new paediatric vaccine. Our task was to test whether the proposed leaflet served its purpose, and whether it presented the assumed message in an effective manner.
Our deliverables
At our client’s request we realised a series of in-depth interviews with paediatricians and general practitioners. The main part of the interview comprised a pretend visit from a medical representative, during which doctors were presented with the information leaflet draft. Some elements of the leaflet were presented in several alternative versions.
Value for the client
The findings allowed our client to determine which elements of the leaflet reach the doctors, and are the most convincing or useful in their everyday work, as well as in conversations with parents of young patients. The results contributed to choosing the final version of the information leaflet and fine-tuning its elements.