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Brand research for a Polish charity

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  • Delivery time

    6 weeks

Research Project - other industries

Client's need

The association Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA is a Polish charity organisation whose flagship projects are Szlachetna Paczka, a nationwide Christmas aid campaign, and Akademia Przyszłości, a yearlong programme of educational meetings for children. The organisation contacted us asking for help in indentifying the extent to which the two projects and their advertising slogans are recognised by Poles.

Our deliverables

PMR Research approached the two projects of Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA as brands, and researched recognisability of both projects as well as the organisation itself. The survey examined familiarity with elements of the advertising campaigns of the two projects (advertising slogans, people involved in the campaigns). We also estimated the indexes of spontaneous and assisted recognition for other charity brands in order to create comparative background for the findings concerning Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA. Our project also involved researching opinions and attitudes towards charity and educational adoption.

The survey was carried out in the CATI technique (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) on a nationwide representative sample of adult Poles.

Value for the client

Identifying the level of familiarity with Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA and its projects was the first step to fully understand the image of the organisation in Poland. Our survey verified what associations Polish consumers have with Stowarzyszenie and its image. The findings will be useful when preparing next editions of the projects and their advertising campaigns, and in effect will help increase the range and impact of Stowarzyszenie’s activity.

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