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Advantages and disadvantages of drug-eluting stents – interviews with cardiologists in Poland

  • Industry

    Coronary angioplasty

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Pharmaceutical manufacturer

  • Delivery time

    3 weeks

Research Project - medical and pharmaceutical market

Client's need

The purpose of the project was to identify the advantages and disadvantages of metallic stents and drug-eluting stents used by Polish interventional cardiologists in coronary angioplasty. The client needed information on the cardiologists' assessment of the functionality of several stents made by various manufacturers. The research project was part of an international study covering several countries worldwide.

Our deliverables

In accordance with the client's guidelines we performed a number of in-depth telephone interviews with cardiologists having vast experience in stent implementation. During the interviews the following issues, among others, were discussed:

  • stent design attributes,
  • stent design faults,
  • detailed cases of stent implementation.
The difficult process of recruiting doctors with appropriate experience and specialisation was completed in a fast and efficient manner thanks to the PMR Medical Panel, used by PMR in projects concerning the medical and pharmaceutical sector.

Value for the client

The research provided the client with the cardiologists’' opinions on the stents which they use. The information obtained in this way will enable the client to adapt its products to the cardiologists' expectations and to minimise the potential design faults of these products.

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