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Telecommunications needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland

  • Industry

    Telecommunications services

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Telecommunications services provider

  • Delivery time

    6 weeks

Research Project - IT and telecommunications

Client's need

Our client commissioned a study to gain a better knowledge of the telecommunications services model which Poland’s small and medium-sized enterprises expect from their providers. The PMR Research team which undertook to conduct the study interviewed the representatives of 600 businesses.

Our deliverables

The study covered small and medium-sized enterprises selected according to criteria defined for the purposes of the project (small enterprises – employing from 5 do 49 people, medium-sized enterprises – employing from 50 do 249 people, expenses on telecommunications services at the level of at least PLN 200 per month). In accordance with the underlying assumptions the interviews were conducted with people making decisions on the use of telecommunications services based on their own knowledge or based on information supplied by someone else (initial interview) and then followed by interviews with the people responsible for preparing such information.

The interviews covered such topics as the company’s telecommunications profile, preferences as to the selection of a telecommunications services provider, the level of satisfaction with the current provider and readiness for changes as regards using telecommunications services.

Value for the client

One of the major surprises arising from the study was the fact that all 600 enterprises examined have fixed Internet access. However, their organisation is not so modern as far as the use of fixed-line and mobile telephony is concerned. What is surprising, small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland do not have a strategic approach towards concluding agreements with providers of telecommunications solutions. The steps taken by them in this respect are rather aimed at satisfying their current needs. Their service use model is closer to the one typical of individual customers than to that of large companies.

The study showed that the most important factors to influence the selection of a telecommunications services provider by small and medium-sized enterprises are the comprehensiveness of the telecommunications offer, price/quality ratio and technical support.

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