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Agricultural machinery: international segmentation study

  • Industry

    Agricultural machinery manufacture

  • Geographical coverage

    Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Poland, UK, Uruguay, USA

  • Client type


  • Delivery time

    12 weeks

Research Project - other industries

Client's need

Our client, a major agricultural machinery manufacturer in the premium segment, was planning to expand its offering and place a new machine model on the market. For this reason the client required information on the needs of farmers – users of such machines, in order to adapt its new product to the customers’ expectations. The study was to identify local differentiation of expectations in global terms.

Our deliverables

PMR Research conducted a segmentation study among farmers – users of agricultural machinery. It covered 10 countries throughout the world (France, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom, Canada, the USA, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay and Australia). In every country about 100 interviews were conducted with farmers using the selected types of agricultural machinery. The study questionnaire was made up of two parts. The first one was to identify the farmers’ specific needs and expectations as to agricultural machinery. The second part included questions concerning the farm size, crop types, environmental conditions and ways of using the machinery currently owned by the farmers. Each interview took about 30-40 minutes.

After drafting the report we organised workshops with the manager responsible for the project and specified the outline of the final presentation which was then given to a forum of country managers and representatives of the headquarters.

Apart from the report and the presentation we provided the client with a well organised database together with variables generated in the course of the segmentation study, enabling the client to continue exploratory analyses.

Value for the client

Based on the study results we divided farmers – the end users of our client’s products – into segments. The segments were defined based on their needs and expectations. Each segment was characterised in detail as regards its needs and expectations, including the identification of individual client representatives based on a brief sales interview. The results will benefit the client by enabling it to diversify its sales strategy in relation to individual segments and by providing it with a collection of insights into new product development. The project’s international nature made it possible to develop a global strategy, while taking into account the specific character of individual countries.

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