IDIs with specialists on Hypertension – communication materials testing

The main purpose of this research was to assess communication materials, that have been designed to promote a new fixed dose combination hypertension therapy. In order to gather required information, PMR Research has conducted series of IDIs with specialists who deal with patients suffering from hypertension e.g. cardiologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, IMs and also GPs. All 24 interviews took place in central located facility. They were simultaneously translated into English and watched by the client live in the facility as well as via web transmission (Focus Vision).
PMR Research is a full service agency providing services at all stages of research projects; from questionnaire design through fieldwork to data analysis. We can be a single point of contact for multinational projects saving your time and guaranteeing the same high quality and consistency of deliverables. We are fluent in the following areas of research in Central and Eastern Europe:
- international research,
- B2B and consumer surveys,
- central location tests,
- healthcare research using proprietary physicians’ and pharmacists’ PMR Medical Panel,
- brand awareness studies using our PMR Brand Image methodology,
- name, package and product testing,
- competition & segmentation studies,
- comprehensive industry analyses using PMR Market Insight methodology.
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