Research on cranes market in Poland, Czech and Russia

PMR Research has conducted part of the international research on cranes market in Europe. The main aim of the project was to collect information on cranes markets value and volume in Poland, Czech and Russia, main players, trends and forecasts for 2010-2016. These information collected were based on 80 expert interviews with leading cranes manufacturers and distributors on the Polish, Czech and Russian cranes markets. To look at those markets from customers perspective, additionally we have conducted 25 interviews among final users in the sectors, which are the largest cranes buyers.
PMR Research is a full service agency providing services at all stages of research projects; from questionnaire design through fieldwork to data analysis. We can be a single point of contact for multinational projects saving your time and guaranteeing the same high quality and consistency of deliverables. We are fluent in the following areas of research in Central and Eastern Europe:
- international research,
- B2B and consumer surveys,
- central location tests,
- healthcare research using proprietary physicians’ and pharmacists’ PMR Medical Panel,
- brand awareness studies using our PMR Brand Image methodology,
- name, package and product testing,
- competition & segmentation studies,
- comprehensive industry analyses using PMR Market Insight methodology.
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