Market research on IT solutions used in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland and Hungary

PMR Research conducted market research – 600 CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) interviews in Poland and Hungary with small and medium-sized enterprises (10-250 employees). The survey was held among companies from 31 different sectors according to the NACE classification (including such branches as IT and telecommunication, financial services, insurance, real estate, retail and wholesale). Each interview lasted about 15-20 minutes and the respondents were the companies’ software and IT purchasing decision-makers.
The basic aims of the market research were to obtain information on the following aspects of small and medium-sized companies in Poland and Hungary:
- hardware use (computers, laptops, servers, telecommunication devices),
- IT solution use,
- use of hosting services,
- use of on-line services (e.g. on-line conferences),
- preferences and expectations regarding IT services and solutions,
- other information requested by the client.
- international research,
- B2B and consumer surveys,
- central location tests,
- healthcare research using proprietary physicians’ and pharmacists’ PMR Medical Panel,
- brand awareness studies using our PMR Brand Image methodology,
- name, package and product testing,
- competition & segmentation studies,
- comprehensive industry analyses using PMR Market Insight methodology.
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