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Nationwide face-to-face study in Poland on private labels

Research Project - retail and FMCG
PMR Research carried out a study on a nationwide sample of Polish consumers. The study was conducted in September 2009. The survey’s objective was to gain an insight into the shopping patterns of Polish consumers and their views on private labels.

The study revealed that the most recognisable private labels in Poland are Tesco and Real Quality, which are recognised by 61% of respondents. At the same time 60% recognise the Carrefour brand, and 40% - another Tesco brand - Tesco Korzystny Zakup.

According to the survey, among all private-labelled goods purchased by the respondents, the most frequently purchased categories are food and household cleaning products.

Nowadays the perception of own brands is changing in Poland and their traditional image of having low quality products is gradually fading. The purchase of private labels is no longer treated merely as a way to shop economically (66% of respondents think so) but rather as a clever, wise way to shop (56%). More than two-fifths of the interviewees claim that they buy private labels more often compared to a year ago and twenty-seven percent say that own brands constitute a significant part of their shopping.

The study was carried out in all the administrative regions of Poland (voivodships), between 16th and 20th of September 2009. In each voivodship two cities were chosen: the capital and a town with between 10,000 and 100,000 inhabitants. Respondents were selected through random-route sampling. The sample comprised 416 consumers. The collected data was then submitted to weighting. The survey was conducted by face-to-face interview, at respondents’ homes. PMR surveyed those people responsible in their household for buying food and articles of everyday use.

Full results of the study have been published in the latest PMR report, entitled “Private label in Poland 2009 - Market analysis and development forecast for 2009-2011”. A summary of the results can also be found in the free articles section of this site.

PMR Research is a full service agency providing services at all stages of research projects; from questionnaire design through fieldwork to data analysis. We can be a single point of contact for multinational projects saving your time and guaranteeing the same high quality and consistency of deliverables. We are fluent in the following areas of research in Central and Eastern Europe:
  • international research,
  • B2B and consumer surveys,
  • central location tests,
  • healthcare research using proprietary physicians’ and pharmacists’ PMR Medical Panel,
  • brand awareness studies using our PMR Brand Image methodology,
  • name, package and product testing,
  • competition & segmentation studies,
  • comprehensive industry analyses using PMR Market Insight methodology.
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