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PMR for P&A Magazine: Entering new markets

PMR for P&A Magazine: Entering new markets
Marcin Rzepka, Head of PMR Research Services, and Bartosz Kondaszewski, Head of PMR Consulting Services, were asked to contribute to no.1/2013 of the "P&A international market research" magazine. They wrote an article "Entering new markets". 


Combining on daily basis market research and advisory perspectives we wanted to put light on selected aspects of new market entry study, that based on our experience we find relevant and insightful. We present the market study as a systematic process containing a range of angles and stakeholder, starting from high level macro perspective streaming down to final consumer all the way through the value chain. The emphasis we are trying to set refers to market research as a part of holistic analysis that only exhaustively executed enables thorough market understanding and drawing actionable business recommendations.

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