Medical and pharmaceutical market
We undertake a variety of marketing research projects within the medical and pharmaceutical market. We conduct research among doctors and other medical staff, pharmacists, patients, hospital managers and opinion leaders. To ensure superior service quality, we cooperate with medical consultants, while adhering strictly to research ethics and data protection standards. We have run projects for manufacturers of OTC and Rx drugs, drugs under development and medical supplies.
We have set up and keep developing a panel of healthcare professionals. As a result, our research within the medical and pharmaceutical market is speedier and more effective - PMR Medical Panel.
The most common types of research in the medical and pharmaceutical market:
- patients’ opinions and habits,
- physicians’ therapy and prescription habits,
- pharmacists’ recommendations,
- satisfaction studies (e.g. cooperation with medical representatives),
- mystery shopping in pharmacies,
- name, packaging and advertising concept testing,
- research into pricing and reimbursement schemes,
- pre-market launch studies.
PMR Research is an associate member of EphMRA – the European Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Association, whose purpose is to ensure a high level of research standards in the pharmaceuticals and medical market.