PMR: Polish consumers still enjoy pizza
Pizza is still a popular dish with Polish consumers. According to a PMR survey, around 62% of Poles eat pizza at least once a month. It is available from both pizzerias, of which in Poland there are 3,000, and local diners or restaurants, and is favoured by young consumers. The less demanding customers may also buy frozen pizzas, while the biggest fans prepare it at home from scratch.
Pizza favoured by youngest consumers
Around 62% of Poles eat pizza at least once a month. According to a survey of PMR, ordering pizza in a restaurant, pizzeria or a bar is nearly as popular (33% of Poles) as making it at home (32%). It is slightly less popular to have pizza delivered (24%), or buy frozen pizza or pizza base (16%). All types of pizza included in the survey (delivered, ordered in a restaurant, frozen, home made) are most popular with the youngest age group: 18-24 year olds. Among the age groups from 18 to 44, the most popular are eating pizza in a restaurant, followed by home deliveries. This is probably due to the fast and active lifestyle of these age groups. In this category the least popular are frozen pizza and pizza bases. Consumers in the age category over 45 prefer to make their own pizza at home, or order it at a restaurant, just like the oldest consumer group of over 65s. The latter also do not like buying frozen pizza, unlike other age groups.
Pizza favoured by youngest consumers
Around 62% of Poles eat pizza at least once a month. According to a survey of PMR, ordering pizza in a restaurant, pizzeria or a bar is nearly as popular (33% of Poles) as making it at home (32%). It is slightly less popular to have pizza delivered (24%), or buy frozen pizza or pizza base (16%). All types of pizza included in the survey (delivered, ordered in a restaurant, frozen, home made) are most popular with the youngest age group: 18-24 year olds. Among the age groups from 18 to 44, the most popular are eating pizza in a restaurant, followed by home deliveries. This is probably due to the fast and active lifestyle of these age groups. In this category the least popular are frozen pizza and pizza bases. Consumers in the age category over 45 prefer to make their own pizza at home, or order it at a restaurant, just like the oldest consumer group of over 65s. The latter also do not like buying frozen pizza, unlike other age groups.
Among consumers with higher education, the share of those who order pizza when eating out or have it delivered home is rising, at the cost of the share of consumers who eat only frozen and home made pizza. Men buy it in restaurants, frozen or delivered more often than women, while women are more likely to make pizza at home. Pizza is eaten in restaurants mainly by consumers with average income (PLN 2,001-3,000). Similarly with home delivery, although it is also popular with highest earners (over PLN 4,000). There is a relation between the lowest income and popularity of frozen and home made pizza. Of those who eat it in restaurants, as many as 60% also order pizza deliveries.
Phone order pizza still more popular than online orders
Home deliveries of pizza are ordered by approximately 24% of Poles. They usually have pizza delivered to their home or workplace once a month (almost half of the respondents), and many order pizza 2-3 times a month (36%). The biggest fans of delivered pizza are relatively few – 12% order pizza once a week, and 4% even more often than that.
A vast majority of consumers who order pizza do so by phone (96%), while a tiny percentage use the internet. Poles who regularly order pizza do not bother to look for a phone number each time; most of them have the number of their favourite pizzeria saved in their phone (44%). A considerable number of customers look for phone numbers of pizzerias both on leaflets (29%), and online (25%). Some ask their friends for phone numbers of their favourite pizzerias.
Nearly a quarter of consumers know pizzeria menus by heart
Consumers using home delivery services usually use a leaflet menu (almost 47%). Many of them look for pizzeria menus on the web (26%), while some declare they even know them by heart (23%). Only a small group of consumers ask to hear the menu when they call pizzerias (5%).
Using the internet to find a pizza menu is more likely if the consumer is a woman from a younger age group, educated at the secondary or higher level. It is also more popular with consumers from larger cities and living in one or two person households. In large cities pizzeria leaflets are not very popular, unlike in smaller towns and villages, where they are preferred by most consumers. In the countryside and in smaller towns consumers frequently know pizzeria menus by heart. Using leaflets is more likely in households consisting of many people.
Discount stores are the most popular source of frozen pizza
Only 16% of respondents buy frozen pizza or pizza bases, 57% of this group usually buy frozen pizza (or base) once a month, over a quarter do so 2-3 times a month (29%), and a small percentage – once a week (10%) or more often (4%).
The most popular practice among consumers who buy frozen pizza is adding some ingredients at home (as declared by 49% of frozen pizza consumers). 35% of the consumers buy a ready made pizza, while the smallest group buy the base and then prepare the ingredients themselves at home (around 15% of frozen pizza consumers). Poles declare that they usually buy frozen pizza or pizza base in discount stores (close to 30% of frozen pizza consumers). Supermarkets are slightly less popular (25%), local stores (21%), or hypermarkets (19%).
Discount store pizzas are consumed mainly by men, educated below the secondary level, with lowest income, living in small locations. Supermarkets are visited mainly by women, higher educated, with highest income, living in cities. Local convenience stores are a source of frozen pizza for people who eat it very often (once a week or more), and for men more often than women.
Low frozen pizza brand awareness
Unaided awareness of frozen pizza brands is surprisingly low. Of respondents who buy frozen pizza or pizza base at least once a month, as many as 70% cannot recall any brands. The most indicated pizza brands belong to Dr Oetker: Guseppe (10%), Rigga (9%) and Ristorante (7%). Brand names with occasional indications were Bistro (Iglotex), Paradiso and Carrefour pizza. We did not ask about producer brands, but for some respondents this was the only way they remembered the products (around 5%). It is worth emphasising that we asked for spontaneous recognition, which always yields lower results than aided awareness, when a list of brands is read out to respondents.
To sum up, pizza is a very popular dish, particularly among young people. Nearly a half of those who consume delivered pizza have the number of their favourite pizzeria saved in their phone. The offer of pizzerias is more likely to reach consumers through leaflets, although in large cities it is more popular to look for a pizza menu online. The least popular type of the dish is frozen pizza. The awareness of frozen pizza brands is also very low. It is usually bought from grocery discount stores, and improved at home with other ingredients.
The nationwide consumer survey was conducted by PMR in April 2012 on a representative sample of 600 adult Poles, with a maximum estimation error of 4%.