Completed projects
Found: 138
How are Polish patients suffering from primary immunodeficiencies treated? Marketing message testing with Polish doctors
Our client wanted to conduct interviews with doctors of various specialties treating a rare group of disorders...
Audit of cinema advertisements: mystery visits
An international research agency specializing in film industry projects asked PMR to provide support for a project to audit advertisements...
Models of multiple myeloma treatment in Polish health care: a tracking study with haematologists
Panel data research is a technique for tracking attitudes and behaviors of target group representatives in a given area. This...
New product in the pharmaceutical market: in-depth interviews with pharmacists and consumers
An international research agency was commissioned by their client – a global pharmaceutical company – to conduct an international study...
Polish diagnostics standards – qualitative interviews with clinicians and laboratory technicians focused on patients’ path with suspected severe systematic infection
PMR team executed analytical project for one of the leading diagnostics equipment manufacturers focused...
Study among physicians on mobile applications as a form of gaining specialist knowledge
One of our regular clients asked PMR to conduct a quantitative study among doctors of different specializations. The project’s main...