Research PMR - Services

Study of lighting market in Poland

  • Industry

    Lighting market

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Consulting company

Research Project - construction market

Client's need

PMR’s research team conducted a study on the lighting market in construction for the purpose of the first edition of the report Lighting market in Poland. Development forecasts. Our main goal was to investigate the structure of the lighting market, preferred technologies and latest trends. The report also contains an analysis of two segments – outdoor and indoor lighting.

Our deliverables

The survey was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). The sample consisted of 200 installation companies. Over 100 interviews were conducted as part of two areas: indoor and outdoor lighting, which allowed for a more thorough analysis of the market.   
The report was prepared according to PMR’s own methodology developed for the comprehensive preparation of reports and market analysis – PMR Market Insight Methodology.

Value for the client

Through the study we were able to extensively diagnose the structure of the lighting market in construction, taking into account the financial situation of companies we interviewed as well as the competitive environment.

The report contains detailed information on:

  • preferred lighting technologies and latest trends
  • distribution and location of preferred lighting systems suppliers
  • commonly used lighting systems
  • leading brands in cables, distribution boxes and switches in indoor lighting
  • leading brands in cables and light poles in outdoor lighting.

The analysis formed the basis of a report Lighting market in Poland. Development forecasts prepared by PMR Publications department, which also contains information on market size and value, as well as forecasts for the next 5 years.
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