Professional Market Research

International women’s health research project

  • Industry

    Medical and pharmaceutical market

  • Geographical coverage


  • Client type

    Research Agency

  • Delivery time

    7 weeks

Research Project - medical and pharmaceutical market

Client's need

Before implementing a new insight, our client, from the pharmaceutical sector, wanted to learn about the preferences of the target group for its new product. The client’s plans involved creating a comprehensive women’s health product portfolio. It was therefore necessary to gather information about women’s opinions and behaviour in the area of health and prevention. Another important element was to consider the differences within the target group of women.
Due to the high innovation level of the client's idea, modern research technologies have been used, e.g. creating a moderated internet forum.

Our deliverables

The study comprised two stages, based on complementary research tools. The first part used desk research, as well as a broad content analysis of internet forums. The analysed area covered elements of healthy lifestyles of Polish women. The second part was based on content analysis of opinions on related topics expressed on a specially created, moderated internet forum – the Online Bulletin Board System.

Value for the client

An analysis of internet content, not always appreciated enough as a research method, allows the collection of vast amounts of information from an analysed group in a relatively short space of time, involving smaller resources. In this project it was particularly useful due to the sensitive nature of the issues covered during the discussions, which are easier to express anonymously.
The result of the desk research analysis revealed a wider context of health care system in Poland, as well as a level of knowledge of Polish women in the area of healthy lifestyle and prevention of women’s health problems. The survey's findings allowed us to understand the ways in which women discuss health, as well as related information needs.
A deeper content analysis allowed us to diagnose fears and anxieties women have in relation to their health. It has highlighted the role of friends and specialists in supporting women in healthy lifestyle choices. Another analyzed issue was awareness of women concerning various diseases, as well as factors influencing the decision to start a treatment, and preferred treatment methods.

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