Research PMR - Services

Innovative data-gathering techniques in pharmaceutical sector research

Innovative data-gathering techniques in pharmaceutical sector research Marcin Rzepka, Head of Research, gave a presentation at the KORELACJE conference on 29 September in Krakow.

Marcin explained just how important selecting the right name for a drug is when expanding onto the international market. Over its many years in the sector Research PMR has conducted large numbers of research projects for pharmaceutical sector companies. The objective of many of these has been to analyse the nature of the market in countries where a new drug is to be launched. Without this type of research, the product is highly vulnerable to failure. Checks on the name of the drug are vital to avoid duplicating an existing name and inviting unfortunate negative local connotations. In the pharmaceutical industry, where the name of a drug is often linked to the name of the active substance, this is an even trickier task, especially where a name has to be unified across several markets.

The presentation at KORELACJE offered many valuable insights, such as:
  • How to prepare the research to ensure that it yields maximum guidance for the process of creating the ultimate name for a diverse multinational market?
  • How to resolve the problem of similar names that leads to mutual poaching among rival companies (an issue in the FMCG sector)?
  • How to set up a representative panel of doctors/pharmacists in several countries and conduct research that is competitive on price but at the same time credible?
  • Using CAWI in interviews with doctors and pharmacists in different countries – how to conduct credible research on different markets with such difficult respondents?
Marcin Rzepka – graduated with a degree in sociology from the University of Wroclaw. Previous positions include senior researcher at Pentor / Research International and head of the Research Department at PKO Bank Polski. Joined Research PMR as head of the Research Division. His experience is in the areas of consumer research, B2B and organisational effectiveness. As well as the financial sector, he also has experience in project management in other areas, such as FMCG, telecoms and IT.
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