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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Of the countries making up the former Yugoslav Federation, Bosnia and Herzegovina was the second poorest (after Macedonia). Since peace in the region was achieved, however, considerable progress has been made in the country. Thanks to a strict fiscal policy and the pegging of the convertible mark (BAM) to the euro, inflation in Bosnia and Herzegovina has remained low. Investors planning to enter the Bosnian market can obtain favourable legislative treatment, tax exemptions and can also benefit from free trade zones. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s key export commodities are metals, clothing and wooden products, whereas machinery and equipment, chemicals, fuels and food account for the majority of imports.

Our market and marketing research services in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Research PMR has a successful track record of conducting a wide variety of research projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We offer consumer and market reaction studies, such as usage and attitude studies, image research, product concept tests and advertising campaign effectiveness studies. We also carry out brand research projects using our proprietary PMR Brand Image methodology. We are specialised in market research projects, such as industry analyses involving the estimation of market size, identification of key players and their market shares, and the development of forecasts.

PMR clients planning to invest in the Balkan region often require information and insight for multiple markets. In these cases, PMR draws upon its experience of implementing international projects and conducting concurrent research studies in multiple markets to provide a comprehensive end-to-end research service.

General data

51,129 km²

3.84 million


Official languages:
Bosnian, Croatian,

Ethnic groups:
48.3% Bosniaks, 34% Serbs,
15.4% Croats, 2.3% other

National boundaries:
Montenegro 225 km,
Croatia 932 km, Serbia 302 km
Convertible mark pegged to the euro
at a fixed exchange rate – BAM
or commonly KM

Time zone:

Area code:

Internet domain:

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